
So the last post of the year....

Thursday, December 31, 2009

I can't believe this year is OVER. In the past I used to be sad at this time of the year. There would be a whole lot of moping and EATING. It seems like this time of year was twice as hard because I also have the birthday looming...another measuring stick. I once said to my mother, it is not fair that I have to start the year off with getting older! It seems that most people I know are settled in the year before getting another year older. Maybe that is why Paul isn't all worked up over his birthday in August. BECAUSE it's AUGUST! So the new year (and birthday) is the whole measuring up of your life achievements over the past year and then measuring up of the looming non-achievements...that inevitable stuff on your to do list. So, what used to be my to do list. Well, honestly now when I am about to tell you it seems silly. I've actually always had something going on it my life. I really wasn't a home body or lazy. But this evil time of year made the things I didn't have seem like nothing else was worth it. However, this year is different for me. Sure last year was different for me as well but it still had that "new car smell". You know me the pessimist I couldn't think that last year was finally when I could stop worrying about the inevitable list of what I did. Well this year I can honestly say that I am happy for what I have. Is it perfect at this point? Not exactly, but is anyone's life perfect? No. I still have some figuring out to do regarding work but that essentially brings me to the point of this post. No silly new year's resolution. It's not a resolution for's a way of life. I have proven to myself in the last month that I can conquer my worst habit....spending. Folks, my Jew Fund increased three times more than it was at the beginning of the month. (sure there was a little cheating like the car money and Christmas money but I still managed to save half as much on my own) Oh yeah the point, I guess I need to get to it before Taller stops reading. Okay here it is. I am going to seriously devote myself to my book and to help me I am going to post it on here. If it never gets published at least I have it written and that will be a great accomplishment. So...yes Taller more words to come. I have actually started my January 1 post which will be the beginning installments of the book. I can't wait and don't worry I will inevitably get writer's block or someone will piss me there will still be random rants like you are used to. Happy New Year All and seriously don't sweat the end of the have many more to make it right for you. It all didn't have to happen in 2009, 2010 is 365 days of opportunity.

1 comment:

  1. mellishia!! what a good post! i was about to complain about not completing the things on my life "to-do" list in my new years eve post, but I decided to not get hung up on all that and your post is so encouraging. 365 days of opportunity. You should call your book that?


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