
Happy Friday the 13th!!

Friday, April 13, 2012

So last time Friday the 13th rolled around I had some bad luck with car issues and spent most of the day at the VW dealership and I didn't even realize it was Friday the 13th until someone pointed it out.  I'm not superstitious so I don't really get wrapped up in the whole bad luck...doomsday bit.

So what about you?  Having any bad luck today??


  1. I'm having a pretty good day so I think it might be off today! haa

  2. The only "bad luck" I've had today was a fax that wouldn't go through...which just made me angry...I mean in this day and age...WHY DOESN'T the clerk of court have an email account? I have like 10 gmail accounts! Heck sign into mine for a sec so I can email you the request I need!!!

    I am READY for the WEEKEND!!!

    Have a great one!!!

    ♥ Shia

  3. I didn't even realize it was Friday the 13th yesterday! Well my day was kinda weird but it got better.

    Thanks for your comment! Those trophies were from the Lads to Leaders competition I competed in. There's lots of events like Bible bowl, speech, scrapbook, art and more that I competed in!



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