
New Year - New Date Book

Monday, January 17, 2011

So with the start of every new year there is that whole buying of a new calendar/date book to contend with.  Since I have a mild obsession (okay a huge obsession) with office supplies I always get a date book and then never use it.  Literally last year I found the one I bought for 2009 and it didn't have one thing written in it.  Well back in June I bought a date book (June 2010 - June 2011), and I was maintaining it pretty well.  I had work stuff organized and personal stuff organized.  Well since last month, I feel like the date book has hit a wall.  The work stuff to even write down is nonexistent.  So how do I bring my date book back up to speed?  What should I be writing in this thing?  You know me, I like to be organized, but do I need a date book haunting me to make my life feel less important that someone with a busier life.  I mean if you have 20 meetings to go to in a week, conferences with clients and deadlines for projects, perhaps you need a date book and perhaps you have a way cooler job than me but what do I need one for.  So  I seriously just googled "uses of a day planner" and found the following on

Make a daily to do list.   Each morning, write an agenda for that day.  Make it detailed - include meetings, tasks that need to be accomplished and goals for the day.  It may be useful to list the items in order of urgency.

I know what you are thinking.  This sounds like common sense.  How often do I feel like it is midday and I am not getting anything on my mental list to do done.  EVERYDAY!  Also, it seems like something on that mental list gets pushed to the back burner so much that you eventually forget about it and it doesn't get done.  So I think this is a brilliant idea.

Instead of trying to just organize future time such as meetings and appointments to come only, it can be used to manage current time.  Also, if you don't accomplish everything on your list for that day, it's right there and to be done the next day.  Plus, there's never that moment of did I get that done?  You can check your daily to dos and see exactly when it was done.

So I am going to try this "new system" out.  If it doesn't work perhaps in June 2011 when my current planner runs out I will come to grips with the fact that I indeed don't need a day planner and I indeed don't lead that elaborate of a  I mean if only I had writing deadlines to make, meeting with my editor and book signings to attend...sigh...wouldn't that be the life.

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